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The Citizens for Arts & Innovation in Education Political Action Committee was recently formed by parents, educators, artists, and local business & community leaders to support local and state elected officials and candidates who will advance the objectives of both the Orange County School of the Arts and the California School of the Arts – San Gabriel Valley, and their arts and education mission.

The Committee, which is non-partisan and non-ideological, contributes financially to their local and state election efforts and provides campaign assistance to their efforts.

Donate Today

Individuals interested in contributing to the Citizens for Arts & Innovation in Education committee may do so by either making an on-line credit card donation at or downloading the form here, writing a check to “Citizens for Arts & Innovation in Education” and mailing it to:

Citizens for Arts & Innovation in Education (ID #1429925)
c/o Gary Crummitt – Treasurer
249 E. Ocean Blvd., #670
Long Beach, CA 90802

There is no maximum limit for contributions to the Citizens for Arts & Innovation in Education political action committee.

You may click on either of the links below to contribute by either making an on-line credit card donation (DONATE ONLINE BY CREDIT CARD)
Or by writing and mailing a check (DONATE BY CHECK).

Contributions are not tax deductible.

For donor related questions, please send an email to [email protected].